Visa Request

If you want to work in Thailand, you need a work permit.  However, before you can apply or be issued  a work permit you must have a non-immigrant visa.  This is required to apply for a work permit.  It also often can be arranged in Thailand after your arrival.

Work Permit Request

After you have your non-immigrant visa, you can now apply for a work permit.

Company Registration

Generally, Thailand is a good place to do business, if you have real intentions of doing business in Thailand, then setting up a company and doing legitimate business in Thailand is fairly straightforward and not difficult, Thai limited companies are the most common form of business registration in Thailand.

Other Registration

– Trademarks
– Collective marks
– Certification marks
– Service marks
– Social Security Can be registered in Thailand.

Tax Services

After your work permit has been arranged, the next step is for your company to apply for a Thai taxpayer identification card. This ID card has a tax ID number which will be needed to be listed often in the future on documents.
For the new company, You should request to register VAT.

Board of Investment

The following are some promoted activities which Thailand BOI offers special privileges:
– Agriculture & Agricultural Products
– Light Industry
– Mining, Ceramics & Basic Metals
– Electronics Industry
– Chemicals, Paper & Plastics
– Software
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