Commerce Ministry Plans Online Trade Fairs to Boost Exports

BANGKOK (NNT) – The International Trade Promotion Department plans to host more virtual trade fairs and online business activities, to boost the country’s exports in the second half of the year amid COVID-19 outbreaks.

Commerce Ministry Plans Online Trade Fairs to Boost Exports

Department Director-General Somdet Susomboon said the agency is preparing a schedule of more than 30 virtual trade fairs and online business activities this year, mainly in the second half, to boost exports by more than 4%.

He said the department is optimistic that Thailand’s export prospects in the second half are far better than the first half, driven by a recovering global economy and economic growth in major trading countries. Consumers will also have more confidence in engaging in economic activity, as a result of COVID-19 vaccinations worldwide.

According to Mr Somdet, three main product categories, food, work-from-home, and medical and health products, such as rubber gloves and medical supplies, will see continued growth in the export markets.

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